One month on the UP: Learnings from the Jawbone fitness band
As I write this in San Francisco International Airport, I realize it would be a good time to charge my Jawbone UP. No steps will be missed as I will be typing idly for an hour more at the airport and then some after boarding the plane to Latvia. Daily considerations about how this fitness band fits in my life and when exactly I should be interacting with it have permeated my thoughts to the extent that my brain now has a dedicated Jawbone push notification system.
The Jawbone UP
For those of you not familiar with the device, it is a wristband that logs steps, exercise and sleep solely through an accelerometer. It has only one button that is used to distinguish between three states: walking, sleeping (or napping) and exercising. The device plugs into your smartphone and is augmented with an app that provides visualizations of activity as well as support for additional manual data entry...